Quests, Tasks and Battle, Road to V0.5

Merry Christmas Folks,

Let's talk about the upcoming update for Warrior Tycoon. We have been working on the quest and battle system.

When we started with these features, we thought it would be quick and easy to implement. We were wrong. We have to take some things into account to implement the quest and battle system into this Tycoon game.

What the Quests for?

Every few years there is a quest in the game. These quests contain special rewards and must be completed to keep the game going or "The Great Evil" will destroy the kingdom. These quests contain additional tasks that provide extra rewards and play opportunities.


Each quest contains a series of tasks that can be completed. These tasks contain buffs, resources, money or trigger a fight. Quests are hidden and become visible as soon as the player comes to a "task spot" to activate them.

Todo List:

  • Making skills usable in combat.
  • Revise the combat user interface based on Warrior Turn.
  • Revise the task user interface.
  • Tasks are only available after discovery.
  • Complete quests and grant rewards for quests.
  • Grant rewards for completing quests.
  • Warrior and adventure board once quest is started.

We are on the Way and expecting the Update for Warrior Tycoon to  be ready within the next week.

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